Sunday, March 11, 2012

Holy Crap - Spiders Grow BIG Here!

What the hell???
OK, so I was out getting the second garden bed ready for the seedlings I want to transplant this week and caught sight of something shiny out of the corner of my eye, I glanced over and there was a spider I would consider a candidate for some kind of horror movie crawling towards me!!! OK, so I didn't say "holy crap", but I'm glad no children were around to hear me.... John assures me only the black widow and brown recluse are poisonous but I can tell you this guy is angry and John will have to let him go, not me!!! Does anyone know what this is???  I just know I need a Mai Tai and town is 28 miles away....


  1. Note to yourself, buy mai tai ingredients next time in town..... Spiders, no thank you.....

  2. He's handsome. I think he was just coming over to be a friendly neighbor and welcome you to the neighborhood and help with a little gardening.
